YouLEAD – War Child Holland

About WCH​

War Child is a non-governmental organization that focuses on promoting the resilience of children and youth affected by conflict and violence. Working in partnership with local organizations, War Child strives to enhance the wellbeing of children and advance their opportunities for growth and development. The organization’s programming applies an integrated approach, where child protection in humanitarian action, education in emergencies, and psychosocial support in emergencies are interconnected to complement and strengthen each other. War Child believes that holistic and integrated programming is fundamental to effectively support, protect, and empower children and young people.


Program Description

This Project aims to provide access to quality education in remedial programs and language support for 4,500 of children, adolescents, and youth both Refugees and Lebanese (14 – 17 years old), the program will also prevent protection risks by enhancing the protection environment and strengthening the referral mechanism through engagement of adolescents, youth, caregivers, and the wider community members. The program will also support access to community-based psychosocial support (CBPSS) interventions for adolescents, youth, and caregivers.

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War Child Holland – Discovery Education Platform

About ​Discovery Education

Discovery Education is the global leader in standards-aligned digital curriculum resources, engaging content, and professional learning for K-12 classrooms. Through its award-winning digital textbooks, multimedia resources, and the largest professional learning network of its kind, Discovery Education is transforming teaching and learning, creating immersive STEM experiences, and improving academic achievement around the globe. Discovery Education currently serves approximately 4.5 million educators and 45 million students worldwide, and its resources are accessed in over 140 countries and territories. Explore the future of education at www.DiscoveryEducation.com.

Rose Mary Namnoum (3)

About Program Description

Over 6 months, Discovery Education and War Child worked in partnership to deliver extracurricular lessons to over 5,000 students in Grades 7 to 12 who were at risk of dropping out of education across five regions in Lebanon, with a focus on Math’s and Science. Over 200 teachers were recruited to deliver these lessons using Discovery Education’s digital learning platform, containing content aligned to the Lebanese curriculum standards, which both teachers and students had unlimited access to for the duration of the project.

The project was carried out over two consecutive cycles, with the objectives to:

  1. Increase the number of students accessing learning through the digital platform
  2. Provide an approach that was flexible
  3. Give access to engaging material that enabled independent learning
  4. Improve teacher confidence in using digital tools to deliver content
  5. Improve the academic and learning outcomes of students
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YouLEAD Program – War Child Holland

About War Child Holland Lebanon

War Child is an international nongovernmental organisation, investing in a peaceful future for children affected by armed conflict. Together with partners, caregivers, communities and other stakeholders in areas affected by conflict, War Child aims to improve the resilience and the well-being of these children with the use of a creative and engaging approach. Its distinctive approach in conflict-affected areas focuses on protection, psychosocial support and support building of quality education systems.   

Target: 6800

Reach: 6910

Program Description

YouLEAD provides access to remedial and language support for over 6,000 Syrian refugee and host community youth between the ages of 13-18 and are at risk of dropping out and encouraging them to stay in school. The program provides remedial and language support. Remedial support is based on the official curriculum with sessions designed to help students with their everyday classwork and focuses on the most challenging subjects. It provides innovative, scalable and impact driven solutions by the integration of child protection activities to respond to the multi-layered and complex reality faced by out of school refugee youth.

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