About WCH​

War Child is a non-governmental organization that focuses on promoting the resilience of children and youth affected by conflict and violence. Working in partnership with local organizations, War Child strives to enhance the wellbeing of children and advance their opportunities for growth and development. The organization’s programming applies an integrated approach, where child protection in humanitarian action, education in emergencies, and psychosocial support in emergencies are interconnected to complement and strengthen each other. War Child believes that holistic and integrated programming is fundamental to effectively support, protect, and empower children and young people.


Program Description

This Project aims to provide access to quality education in remedial programs and language support for 4,500 of children, adolescents, and youth both Refugees and Lebanese (14 – 17 years old), the program will also prevent protection risks by enhancing the protection environment and strengthening the referral mechanism through engagement of adolescents, youth, caregivers, and the wider community members. The program will also support access to community-based psychosocial support (CBPSS) interventions for adolescents, youth, and caregivers.