Tertiary Education Stream

Hadi Ghorayeb – ULYP Change

Hadi Ghorayeb,

Hadi is a first-generation university graduate. His Palestinian paternal and maternal grandparents sought refuge in Lebanon in 1948 and worked hard to establish a reasonable and modest life in Beirut.
Hadi was a studious child who enjoyed learning and consistently performed well in school. Hadi had an ambition of attending university to become a nurse when he almost finished school. This was not an easy dream to pursue, especially financially; his father, the family’s primary breadwinner, lost his job as a photographer at the start of the Lebanese economic crisis, and his mother’s modest income as a hairstylist was barely enough to cover the family’s basic living expenses. However, Hadi’s parents believed in him and his desire, even though pursuing nursing as a male was uncommon in their community.

Hadi’s ambition came heartfelt thanks to a grant from the Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair Refugee Education Fund. He recently earned his nursing degree from the American University of Science and Technology (AUST). Hadi finished all his needed credits on schedule, maintained a good GPA and received special mentions. Hadi also met all other requirements, completing over 1,250 practicum hours at four different hospitals, commuting back and forth, and working 12-hour shifts on occasion. Hadi was preparing to take the next round of international colloquium tests, which were expected in July 2024. after which he will look for possibilities to extend his studies, enhance his and his family’s livelihoods, and pursue his passion.
He said, “I can’t believe I’m a nurse today. I genuinely respect and like this career. I am fortunate to be able to provide patient treatment to people of all ages and walks of life. I don’t have enough words to thank the Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair Refugee Education Fund for making my goal come true. I thus guarantee the Fund and ULYP that I will honor the nurse’s vow to serve and practice my profession with conscience and dignity. I will never forget it, and I am grateful for the opportunity you provided. I wish always to make you proud.”


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Aya Mohammad Salloum (BAU/TD) – From Scholarship Recipient to Inspirational Educator: Aya’s Journey with ULYP’s Transformative Impact – ULYP-REI

Aya Mohammad Salloum

Aya’s remarkable journey, propelled by ULYP and the Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair Fund’s support, is a testament to the life-changing impact of educational opportunities. Starting as a scholarship recipient, leading her into the world of translation and enhancing her linguistic prowess. Recognizing her potential, the support was extended, granting her a scholarship to pursue a Specialized Teaching Diploma at Beirut Arab University, thanks to the Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair Fund again.
This transformative journey was not just about personal growth; it was about elevating Aya’s capacity to contribute meaningfully to her family and society. The teaching diploma became her master key, unlocking doors to improved livelihood. Aya’s dedication came to life as she joined ULYP in the role of a teacher, where she actively participated in the ‘Happy’ program, turning theoretical knowledge into real-life inspiration for new students each week.

The fusion of academic knowledge and hands-on experience ignited Aya’s teaching passion, enriching her ability to connect with people on a deeper level. Today, as a coach and teacher in various ULYP programs, Aya continues her transformative journey. Her story is a powerful reminder that with the right opportunities and support, one can overcome challenges, unlock potential, and make a lasting impact on the lives of others.

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Ghina’s Ambition – From an Ordinary Girl to a Doctor – ULYP-REI


Ghina, a driven and ambitious 28-year-old Lebanese woman, embarked on a transformative journey when she was awarded a scholarship from the Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair Refugee Education Fund in Lebanon, facilitated by its partner organization ULYP.
With unwavering determination and a lifelong dream of becoming a doctor, Ghina pursued a major in Medicine, seeing it as the culmination of her aspirations. Reflecting on her journey, she expressed profound gratitude for the scholarship, acknowledging how it had not only turned her dreams into reality but also imparted invaluable life lessons and provided opportunities to connect with remarkable individuals along the way.

Now, Ghina finds herself as an intern at the prestigious hospital of the American University of Beirut (AUB). With a compassionate heart and a deep-seated desire to give back to her community, she envisions herself as a doctor who not only heals bodies but also uplifts spirits and provides unwavering support to those in need.
For Ghina, education transcends mere acquisition of skills; it is a journey of discipline and empowerment. She believes that education serves as a powerful weapon for shaping the future, and she is committed to utilizing her knowledge and experiences to make a positive impact on the world around her.

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Abdul Aziz Kurdieh’s Journey of Education – ULYP-REI

Abdul Aziz Kurdieh

Abdul Aziz Kurdieh, a resilient Palestinian refugee residing in Lebanon, found himself at the crossroads of opportunity and determination when he secured a scholarship to pursue his bachelor’s degree at the prestigious American University of Beirut.
The avenue to this life-changing opportunity was paved through the partnership between the Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair Refugee Education Fund and ULYP (Unite Lebanon Youth Project), serving as the implementing partner in Lebanon. ULYP tirelessly sought out potential scholars through their outreach programs in secondary schools across the region.
It was amidst one of these outreach sessions that Abdul Aziz first learned of the scholarship opportunity. With unwavering resolve and a thirst for knowledge, he seized the chance and applied, eventually earning acceptance to pursue a degree in Chemistry.

The horizon of possibilities broadened for Abdul Aziz with each passing semester. Fueled by his passion for learning and driven by his aspirations, he excelled in his studies, garnering attention from the academic community at the American University of Beirut.
As Abdul Aziz neared the culmination of his bachelor’s journey, another door swung open before him. This time, it was the esteemed institution itself, offering him a scholarship to pursue a master’s degree.
With the next chapter of his education secured, Abdul Aziz set his sights even higher. His dreams now extended beyond the borders of Lebanon, as he harbored aspirations of contributing to the research field in the Gulf region upon completing his master’s degree.

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Refugee Education Initiative – Unite Lebanon Youth Project, Lebanon

Unite Lebanon Youth Project, Lebanon

Mounir Al Serawan was awarded a scholarship to study radio and television at the American University of Science and Technology (AUST) in Lebanon. Mounir feels life is too short and wants to take advantage of every minute to learn. He spends his days reading books to help expand his knowledge. When he’s not reading, he participates in trainings in different fields and holds over 20 certificates in leadership, graphic design, photography, journalism, volunteering and more. After finishing his day at AUST, he conducts photography training for Lebanese youth and refugees in his community. He appreciates the curiosity of his students, since photography is an art that requires a degree of inquisitiveness.

“I consider myself ambitious and have no limits to where I hope to be. I like to stand out with my ideas, appearance and connection to the world. The Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair Refugee Education Fund scholarship exposed me to value education and to understand that learning is a continuous journey, not restricted to the walls of a classroom. We as people need to be educated to survive, to be better and to give back to society. For me, learning and breathing go hand in hand because without access to education, I wouldn’t be the person I am proud to be today and be able to give back to society.​”

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Refugee Education Initiative – Luminus Technical University College, Jordan

Luminus Technical University College, Jordan

Mohammed Bitar from Syria was awarded a scholarship through the Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair Refugee Education Fund to study pharmacy at Luminus. He arrived in Jordan 7 years ago and started working at a pharmacy in his local neighbourhood. Where at the time, he tidied up the pharmacy and helped customers with what they needed. He considers his boss as his mentor, who always encourages him to keep learning and pursue his education. His mother is his main supporter, she also always encourages him to continue education.

“Pharmacy is my passion; I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to study pharmacy at Luminus; it is a responsibility and a huge challenge, and I am up for the challenge that lies ahead. I have learnt that having confidence, working hard and being persistent all contribute to achieving your goals. My main advice is to never lose hope”

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ULYP – Refugee Education Initiative

About Unite Lebanon Youth Project (ULYP) 

The Unite Lebanon Youth Project (ULYP) was founded in 2010 with the mission to empower marginalized children, youth and women living in Lebanon today with the skills and knowledge they need to become active agents of change for a better tomorrow.

Target: 227

Reach: 227

group photo of tertiary students in Unite Lebanon Youth Project's program

Program Description 

ULYP provides 157 students scholarships for undergraduate degrees at universities in Lebanon and North Cyprus for Palestinian and Syrian refugees in Lebanon. Courses are in sync with market demand and are in employment sectors where refugees have the right to work. Examples of courses include clinical lab science, radiology, nursing, journalism, and bioinformatics. Universities include; American University of Beirut, Beirut Arab University, American University of Science and Technology, Lebanese American University and East Mediterranean University in Cyprus. The program provides students with career readiness skills and better prepares them for employment and improved livelihoods.

ULYP also provides 64 students with higher diploma scholarships in specializations that are market driven such as physiotherapy, teaching, computing, nutrition and more.

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