Secondary Education Stream

YouLEAD – War Child Holland

War Child is a non-governmental organization that focuses on promoting the resilience of children and youth affected by conflict and violence. Working in partnership with local organizations, War Child strives to enhance the wellbeing of children and advance their opportunities for growth and development. The organization’s programming applies an integrated approach, where child protection in humanitarian action, education in emergencies, and psychosocial support in emergencies are interconnected to complement and strengthen each other. War Child believes that holistic and integrated programming is fundamental to effectively support, protect, and empower children and young people.

Target: 7,872

Reach: 11,328


Program Description

This project provides access to quality education through remedial programs and language support for 4,000 children, adolescents, and youth, including both refugees and Lebanese, aged 14 to 17. In addition to educational support, the program aims to mitigate protection risks by enhancing the protection environment and strengthening referral mechanisms, engaging 2,750 adolescents, youth, caregivers, and community members. The program also facilitates access to community-based psychosocial support (CBPSS) interventions for adolescents, youth, and their caregivers. Given the recent escalation of security issues in Lebanon, the project will also distribute 1,122 educational kits to students who have been displaced from their homes due to the situation.

One of the most successful topics with caregivers was about how to deal with adolescents. They have expressed that after attending the dealing with adolescent awareness session they feel more comfortable in communication with their adolescents. Some reported that they were not having the dare to talk with their children about things related to puberty and changes, and that there were so many questions asked by their children, but they don’t know how to answer. Some caregivers reported that it is the first time they talk with someone about this issue and taking the information from reliable sources.”

S.S BeThere facilitator, Burj Barajneh

I was so weak in foreign language and I was an introvert. I didn’t want to speak to anyone. This program turned me 360 degrees. I became a better person with the PSS sessions and also my marks at school improved.”

EQ, 14 yrs

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Enterprise Business Challenge Program – INJAZ

About INJAZ​

INJAZ’s portfolio of programs addresses the wide range of needs of young Jordanians and complements the education and training provided by traditional educational institutions with programs that develop vital soft and hard skills (Life Skills, Financial Education, Entrepreneurship and Business Skills, Digital Skills, and Social Leadership) necessary to become competent entrepreneurs and/or employees in the private sector. To date, Injaz has benefited almost 4,000,000 youth since its establishment. Last year, INJAZ implemented programs in all 12 governorates of Jordan working alongside and within all schools from the 7th grade to the 12th grade, 46 universities and colleges, and a range of social institutions, including vocational training centers, centers for youth with disabilities, youth centres and community centres.

Target : 10000


Program Description

The program focuses on building the Entrepreneurship capacities of the refugee and Jordanian students between the ages of 14 – 16 years old at the public and UNRAWA schools in Jordan to develop their business skills and mindsets, to prepare them for higher education and the workforce. The program will be an online/offline learning simulation games that will be implemented in Jordan. The overall impact will reach 10,000 students and it aims to create awareness on the definition and importance of Entrepreneurship and its benefits to students’ career growth.

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Engagement of Vulnerable Refugee Children and Youth in Jordan – UNICEF Jordan


“Saddam, a 13-year-old Syrian refugee fled to Jordan with his family at the beginning of the conflict, the situation forced Saddam to drop-out of school to work and support his family. He works alongside his father in a metal workshop. Saddam continued to carry the dream of having an education, “I now go to this UNICEF Makani centre, even though my home is far, the bus brings me here, so that I can learn.” Every day, Saddam and some of the children in his neighbourhood board a UNICEF bus and make the journey to the nearest Makani centre to access learning support, child protection, life skills and other services. “My goal is to succeed and evolve,” he says, recognizing the limitation of being out-of-school. “In the centre, I learn Arabic, English and Math, and activities in the life skills sessions.” Saddam explains that his day begins at 6:00 AM and ends at around 1:00 PM, after which he attends lessons at the Makani centre.​”

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Refugee Education Initiative – Unite Lebanon Youth Project, Lebanon

Unite Lebanon Youth Project, Lebanon

“Maryam Dabdoub discovered her passion for teaching through one of her previous professors during her undergraduate degree, where she was studying on a scholarship at AUB. After graduation, she faced unemployment for a couple of years. She then applied to ULYP and was one of 67 students who was awarded a higher diploma. Through her education, she was able to realize her own dreams and hopes to inspire the next generation.

“What I’ve learned through the scholarship is to never underestimate or label anyone. Words cannot describe how much I appreciate the Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair Refugee Education Fund who gave me the opportunity to pursue my passion and earn a higher teaching diploma at AUB. I would like to one day be able to help other students like me, achieve their ambitions through education and to not only have the key to their future, but to own the key. When I reflect on my younger years, I did not know if I had the financial ability to pursue higher education. Today, I graduated with a higher teaching diploma and already received 3 job offers. I am determined to help refugees in my community reach their potentials”

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Education Support Program – Emirates Red Crescent UAE

Emirates Red Crescent United Arab Emirates

“My children used to see the school bus picking up students in our neighbourhood every morning and they used to feel sad”, said Mrs Heba Al Sthtiwi, a mother of 3. “The support of enrolling our children in school has been vital for us and we are extremely grateful for this opportunity that provides our children with education; the most precious gift of all. My eldest son wants to be a cardiologist, my daughter was upset at previously missing 1 year of schooling, she now is so happy back at school, she loves Arabic and has made new friends, going back to school changed her whole morale and outlook on life.“

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Leen Jaradi – ULYP – AUB Student

Leen Jaradi

ULYP – AUB Student​

“I believe education is one of the main building blocks of any community to move forward. Our community was shaken by war, instability, and tension. We need education to be able to move forward. It is not just about graduating with a degree; it shapes our personality and shapes who we are. Refugees need this door opener, they need to get out of the mentality that they cannot achieve, that they cannot reach their goals, just because they are labelled as refugees”. I look up to HE Abdul Aziz Al Ghuriar, he provided a golden opportunity to so many smart young refugees. He taught me the power of giving back. I would like to one day be able to pass it forward, to provide disadvantaged people with the gift of education.

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Non-Formal Education Expansion and Enrichment – Questscope

About Questscope

Questscope is an international non-governmental, non-profit organization founded in 1988 with the goal of putting the last, first. The mission of Questscope is to partner with vulnerable women, youth, and marginalized communities to foster social development and create pathways for change, growth and development.

To do this, QS focuses on three areas: Trauma Recovery, Empowerment, and Economic Inclusion.

Target: 4431

Reach: 5226

Non-Formal Education Expansion and Enrichment - Questscope

Program Description

Non-Formal Education (NFE) Expansion is a one-year project to introduce online learning management system to increase outreach and to allow more learners access to the NFE program in Jordan. This project targets more than 6,000 of the out of school (OOS) learners, grades 1-10, whereby these OOS learners from refugees and vulnerable communities in Jordan will have the knowledge, skills, and certification needed to enroll in higher education or vocational training.

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Madrasati – Secondary Education Access

About Madrasati

Madrasati means ‘my school’ in Arabic. Madrasati initiative was launched by Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah, to improve the physical and educational environment of Jordan’s most neglected public schools.

Madrasati has served 830 Jordanian public schools run by the Ministry of Education (MoE) and identified as the most underperforming and most in need of renovation and assistance in educational development. Madrasati has reached 360,000 students, 17,000 teachers, and 800 volunteers across the 12 governorates of Jordan.

Target: 1400

Reach: 3018

Secondary Education Access – Madrasati

Program Description

Secondary Education Access is a one-year program that provides remedial education and career guidance for high-risk vulnerable students from refugees and Jordanian households in double shifted schools (grades 8-12) to increase their academic motivation and develop career aspirations to complete secondary education and pursue further education and training. This program aims to support more than 1,400 students in 10 public school in Jordan.

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Education Support Program – MMKN

About MMKM

MMKN is a grass-roots non-governmental organization that was established in 2010 and is driven by its model: Volunteering + Education = Empowerment. MMKN has consistently delivered a strong impact in many local and refugee communities, with a focus on vulnerable students through its largest program: the MMKN Education Programs targeting all students in the third cycle across Lebanon.


Target: 3800

Reach: 7734

Education Support Program – MMKN

Program Description

The Education Support Program which supported more than 3,000 students is a two-year education program for vulnerable students at public schools in grades 8 and 9 in Lebanon who are at high risk of dropping out due to language barrier to empower them to continue in an educational path through the adopted French/ Arabic manuals and volunteer driven remedial program and the practical and interactive workshops that utilizes (STEM) approach to emphasis relevance of academics learned.

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Young Empowered Syrians in Secondary (YESS) – LASeR

About LASeR

LASeR is a Lebanese non-profit Association for Scientific Research focusing on Higher Education and Youth Empowerment in Lebanon. LASeR serves Youth in Lebanon to get access to quality education. LASeR supported more than 2,200 students to pursue their Education in BA, MA and PhD.


Target: 224

Reach: 230

Young Empowered Syrians in Secondary (YESS) - LASeR

Program Description

YESS is a two-year secondary preparatory program that targets 200 refugees from the ages of 15 – 17 in Tripoli Lebanon to provide students with academic support in Math, Science and English and enhance their leadership skills and prepare them for higher education and career paths.

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