Vocational Education Stream

DOT Jordan – Digital Skills: Career Readiness and Support Program

About DOT Jordan

DOT Jordan was established in 2016 as a youth-led movement of daring social innovators who have the tools, knowledge, and networks to create opportunities and transform their own communities.

DOT Jordan supports youth to become innovators and leaders, and to create and apply digital solutions that have a positive impact in their communities.

Target: 600

Reach: 677

Career Readiness and Support Program - DOT Jordan

Program Description

Career Readiness and Support is a one-year program targeting 600 vulnerable refugees and youth in Jordan who are above 18 and do not have the qualifications to enrol in university to provide them with courses in high market demand in the digital economy leading to employment. The program also includes coaching, mentorship and employment (remote / freelance).

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Technical Training and Professional Integration – Borderless

About Borderless

Borderless is an independent Lebanese non-profit-organization with a mission to create life changing impact on the lives of vulnerable families. The NGO emerged out of existing needs within the local Lebanese communities with a central aim to serve the people. We strive to address the structural barriers to overcoming hardships in disadvantaged and at-risk communities, such as patterns of discrimination and exclusion; lack of access to essential public services; conflict and social disorder; and major public health threats.

Target: 140

Reach: 174

Technical Training and Professional Integration - Borderless

Program Description

The Technical Training and Professional Integration Project is a one-year project to upskill more than 140 refugees and underprivileged Lebanese youths and adults (ages 15 – 30 years) in the Ouzai and Karantina communities in Beirut to get accredited vocational courses such as coding, cell phone repair, digital photography… etc, as to have the requirements to integrate in the job market.

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Education to Employment – NISCVT

About Beit Atfal Assumoud

The National Institution of Social Care and Vocational Training (NISCVT), also known as Beit Atfal Assumoud, is a non-governmental organization mainly working with the Palestinian community in Lebanon. The services offered by NISCVT address the needs of families through various gender-balanced projects empowering the potential and skills of children, youth and their parents or guardians. Their programs take place in ten centres, critically located inside the camps.

Target: 220

Reach: 196

Program Description

The program offers more than 190 Palestinian and Syrian refugee youth with market driven vocational courses that lead to employment. The centers are in the Palestinian refugee camps. The accredited courses offered are in market demand and provide youth with an improved livelihood opportunity. Courses include video editing, Solar Energy for lighting, installation and maintenance of solar water heaters, water filtration systems, aluminum works, computer and English language, barbering, mobile maintenance, and photography.

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Connected Learning – UNHCR

About UNHCR UN Agency for Refugees 

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a global organization dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights and building a better future for refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people.

Program Description 

This program aims to improve access to education in two ways. First, by facilitating access to higher education opportunities for refugee students and vulnerable Jordanians in both camp and urban settings in Jordan, with a focus on connected learning opportunities that come with recognized certification. In addition to online learning, training courses will also help provide a livelihood opportunity for qualified refugees who will become course facilitators. 300 Students engage in a blended English program implemented and accredited by Arizona State University. Second, 100 students will be exposed to market driven vocational courses that result with positive livelihood outcomes.

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Alfanar- Coding for Refugee Youth

About Alfanar

Alfanar, the region’s first venture philanthropy organisation, grew its social investments in Lebanon to support the education and employability of both vulnerable refugee and host community members. In this program, Alfanar works with two of its investees and provides them with support, and real-time monitoring support to enable them to scale their impact and enhance productivity.

Target: 160

Reach: 160

Al Fanar

Program Description  

SE Factory created a dedicated program for refugees/displaced youth after noticing the high interest among them towards SE’s coding bootcamp. With research and analysis, the program is designed to cater and meet the needs and necessities of refugees seeking to learn tech skills that would enhance their career prospects. Youth enroll in a catered Foundations of Computer Science Course that teaches them coding in Python using foundational concepts via an immensely personalized approach. Afterwards, eligible youth will be selected to join the Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp to further develop their skills and be able to kick start their career. This program aims to support more than 160 marginalized refugees in Lebanon.

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DOT Lebanon 2 – Digital Opportunities through Integrated Training (DoIT 2)

About DOT Lebanon

DOT Lebanon, established in Lebanon since 2010 empowers and equips youth, women, and people with special needs in marginalized communities, with the digital tools and life skills to help them create a better future for themselves while making a positive impact in their communities.

Target: 640

Reach: 718

Program Description

Through the Digital Skills Building and Employability project, DOT Lebanon is aiming towards fostering the social and economic well-being of girls and boys, women, and men. This project will impact 640 of its’ beneficiaries to receive advanced and market tailored courses to strengthen skills and opportunities to access income-generating opportunities.

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Technology Driven Education – ASAC

Technology Driven Education – Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair  School of Advanced Computing ​​@ LTUC 

The Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair School of Advanced Technology was established in 2019. Through its partnership with Coding Fellows, this pioneering school offers fast paced, career-focused and immersive education known for driving tangible results in a short amount of time. The Program hones the skills required for today’s jobs by providing students with hands-on software development and software engineering experience, so they may positively contribute to companies they join.

Target: 1920

Reach: 2076

Program Description

Few students studying ICT in Jordan are finding jobs due to the mismatch with market needs. 165 students are awarded scholarships in the newly established Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair School of Advanced Computing. The School aims to shape software builders with immersive training to meet industry needs and improve diversity in technology. The curriculum is structured so that new concepts build on ones already learned. With stacked learning, students are introduced to a new topic each day, while adding to their understanding of previous concepts.

This model means students can grasp more topics over a given period of time, reaching mastery of their specialization faster. The school also improves students non-technical skills. The career development curriculum includes dedicated workshops and presentations that teach students skills they need to develop a resume, build a network, succeed in-person interviews with recruiters, and more.

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Career Focused Education – Luminus

About Luminus Technical University College  (LTUC)

Luminus Technical University College, a leading technical college that offers diplomas and bachelor degrees in various technical specializations for more than 6,000 students. It focuses on education to employment and engages with employers from the onset through to job placements. Luminus addresses the current mismatch of skills in the labour market. Luminus continuously updates its curricula and offers new courses based on labour market demand 

Program Description ​

Supporting over 1,650 refugees and vulnerable Jordanians to access and complete certified diplomas and certificates in specializations identified as opportunities for employment in the labour market. Every student receives soft skills, digital readiness, career readiness and English language skills. 80% of students will be placed in employment and tracked for a year following graduation.

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