Vocational Education Stream

Ghania Najia – Tashgheel-LASeR

Ghania Najia,

Mrs. Ghania, an intern Syrian teacher in a refugee school, displayed exceptional dedication and a strong desire to learn new things during the training part of the Education Track. She was engaged and made full use of the training possibilities available. During her internship at AL Hikma School in Tripoli, Beddawi, Mrs. Ghania was exceptionally involved in her class. She converted the classroom into a thriving environment of creativity, play, and enjoyment. Her creative teaching approaches grabbed the kids and made learning pleasurable. Mrs. Ghania successfully used all the methodologies she learned throughout her training phase, adding novel teaching strategies and techniques to improve student engagement and comprehension. Her passion and innovative approach set her apart, establishing her as an exceptional educator.

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Hadil Boustani – Tashgheel-LASeR

Hadil Boustani,

Hadil excelled during the Hospitality and Business Development Track training phases. She was highly active, a quick learner, and worked hard, which led to her being offered a terrific position as a Programme Officer with Neopreneur, an innovative initiative for entrepreneurs, SMEs, and start-ups centered in Byblos and growing throughout Lebanon. In this position, she assists with various program activities, creates program materials, and organizes events and seminars. She also gathers the resources and information required to ensure the success of these efforts

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Jad Swed – Tashgheel-LASeR

Jad Swed,

After completing an internship in the PV Solar System Track at Khatib and Alami Company, Jad was offered a post as Solar Engineer Supervisor on-site by Smart Security Company in Tripoli, Lebanon. In this capacity, he supervises installing and maintaining solar energy systems, ensuring project time frames are reached, and collaborating with multiple teams to improve system performance. He has been recognized throughout his career for his remarkable abilities and arduous effort, leading to more significant opportunities.

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Ezzat: From Refugee to Caregiver – UNHCR


At 19, Ezzat, a refugee, faced a pivotal moment. Feeling uncertain about furthering his education, he left school after completing grade 10. However, Ezzat never lost hope and remained determined to build a better future for himself.

With unwavering commitment, Ezzat signed up for a vocational training program supported by the Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair Refugee Education Fund, focusing on becoming a caregiver. His dedication and hard work during the training did not go unnoticed. Ezzat’s exceptional performance and relentless determination caught the attention of the Lebanese University Hospital Geitaoui. Impressed by his skills and attitude, the hospital offered him a position to work alongside their team


This opportunity demonstrated that success is only sometimes confined to the walls of a classroom. Despite taking an unconventional path, Ezzat’s dedication and newly acquired skills led him to a fulfilling career in caregiving. His journey enabled him to provide for himself and his family and served as a powerful testament to the resilience and potential for success within every refugee.

Ezzat’s story is a beacon of hope, illustrating that with determination and hard work, one can overcome obstacles and achieve remarkable success, regardless of circumstances

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From Graduate to Innovator: Mohammed Hussein’s Path to Renewable Design – German Energy Academy

Mohammed Hussein,

In 2023, Mohammed Hussein, a 24-year-old Jordanian engineer, graduated from Philadelphia University with a bachelor’s degree in Mechatronics Engineering. Like many new graduates, Mohammed faced the daunting challenge of finding a job in his field. Undeterred by the initial setbacks, his passion for renewable energy guided him towards the German Energy Academy, where he enrolled in the PV Design course.

Starting with limited experience in photovoltaic design, Mohammed’s commitment and enthusiasm quickly distinguished him from his peers. His remarkable ability to learn and apply new concepts shone throughout the course. This dedication culminated in his final project, where he delivered an exceptional design that impressed his peers and instructor, earning the highest rating in the class.

Mohammed shared his journey, “The experience has been amazing, giving us insights into energy projects and sparking a passion for sustainability.” He expressed profound gratitude to the German Energy Academy, the Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair Refugee Education Fund, and the teachers and engineers who supported him throughout the course.

Mohammed Hussein’s perseverance and hard work paid off. He recently advanced to the second interview stage for the role of PV Design Engineer with an international company. His story is a testament to the power of dedication and the transformative impact of quality education and training on shaping a brighter future.

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Journey to Sustainable Energy: Mohammad Khalid Al-Shrouf’s Path to Excellence – German Energy Academy

Mohammad Khalid Al-Shrouf

Mohammad Khalid Al-Shrouf, a 23-year-old Jordanian engineer with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, has always been passionate about sustainable energy. Seeking to expand his knowledge in energy saving, he enrolled in the Energy Efficiency program at the German Energy Academy, supported by the Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair Refugee Education Fund.
Motivated by a vision to advance sustainable energy practices, Mohammad joined the program to gain the necessary competence to address pressing environmental issues through energy conservation. His dedication was evident, and he quickly became a standout student admired for his enthusiasm and leadership.

Mohammad’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of quality education and practical training. He described his experience at the Academy as unique, enriching, and highly constructive. The course expanded his knowledge and equipped him with crucial soft and technical skills, such as measurement, auditing, scientific persuasion, engineering intuition, and multi-level energy problem-solving. Also, the hands-on experience with testing and measurement devices gave him a comprehensive understanding of an energy engineer’s duties and skills.

These skills and experiences were pivotal in his professional development, enabling him to secure a position at one of Jordan’s leading companies specializing in energy auditing, management, and energy efficiency. Now, as a Research Assistant in Energy Efficiency Engineering at the German Jordanian University, thanks to the generous support of the Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair Refugee Education Fund, Mohammad attributes his achievements and significant career advancements to this support through the Academy. His success story highlights the Academy’s pivotal role in developing future leaders in energy efficiency.

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Maria Alarnous: A Beacon of Hope in the Energy Sector – German Energy Academy

Maria Alarnous

Maria Alarnous, a 22-year-old Syrian engineer, has always been passionate about renewable energy. With a bachelor’s degree in power engineering, she enrolled in the German Energy Academy’s PV Installation course, which marked the start of an incredible journey.

Maria soon excelled as a student, especially in the course’s practical components. She gained a strong understanding of electricity, solar energy, and photovoltaic technology and practical experience with site preparation, system component assembly, and trial operation checks.

Her presence and expertise in the traditionally male-dominated technical field were inspirational. Her peers constantly sought her aid, demonstrating her excellent ability and eagerness to serve. One tutor expressed how inspiring it was to watch a woman achieve in such a subject.

Maria’s achievements drew notice, prompting her to apply for the prestigious AHK examination. Her story gained traction during an interview on World Refugee Day, becoming a beacon of hope for many.

With support from the Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair Refugee Education Fund, Maria’s journey exemplifies the transformative power of education and perseverance. Her rise from an engineering graduate to an acknowledged pioneer in renewable energy demonstrates the need for accessible, high-quality education. Maria currently works remotely as a Commercial Operator for FYSH EVC Stations & Systems, a firm based in Dubai.

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Fostering long-term success in the workforce for refugee youth and vulnerable host community youth in Jordan – Madrasati

About Madrasati

Madrasati Initiative – Jordan River Foundation means ‘my school’ in Arabic. Madrasati initiative was launched by Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah, to improve the physical and educational environment of Jordan’s most neglected public schools.

Madrasati has served 830 Jordanian public schools run by the Ministry of Education (MoE) and identified as the most underperforming and most in need of renovation and assistance in educational development. Madrasati has reached 360,000 students, 17,000 teachers, and 800 volunteers across the 12 governorates of Jordan.

Target: 4,200 students


Program Description

The “Fostering Long-Term Success in the Workforce for Refugee Youth and Vulnerable Host Community Youth in Jordan” program empowers youth (Grades 9-12) with critical skills to enhance their educational and career prospects. Through comprehensive career guidance, English language proficiency, STEM support, and employability skills development, the program equips 4,200 students (60% refugees) with the tools needed for success. Participants benefit from dynamic career days, thematic weeks, and specialized forums that bridge the gap between education and employment.

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Green Skills for Youth: Today’s Job Security and Tomorrow’s Suitable Careers – LMNS for Social Development

About Luminus

LMNS for Social Development, a division of Luminus Education Group, partners with Luminus Technical University College in Jordan to deliver TVET projects. Through their Education4Employment (E4E) model, LMNS offers market-driven, accredited training programs ranging from short courses to bachelor’s degrees. They prioritize employer engagement to tailor programs to job-market needs, achieving a 70% job placement rate (over 90% in ICT sectors) since 2016. LMNS focuses on inclusivity, supporting vulnerable youth including females and refugees, with over 26,000 scholarships awarded. Their efforts aim to enhance TVET’s appeal and contribute to economic resilience in the MENA region.

Target: 300 youth/students

Luminus for Social Development EN

Program Description

The “Green Skills for Youth: Today’s Job Security and Tomorrow’s Suitable Careers” program in Jordan provides disadvantaged adolescents (ages 16-35) with market-relevant vocational training in ICT, as well as Electric and Hybrid Automotive Technology. Participants are prepared for meaningful employment by integrating technical skills with soft skills, including English language competence, career preparation, and circular economy training. This comprehensive approach combines peer-to-peer mentorship, hands-on project-based learning, and job placement assistance, ensuring that 70% of graduates find work.

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Youth Entrepreneurial Pathways for Resilience – Anera

About Anera

American Near East Refugee Aid (Anera), established in 1968, is a US-based international development organization, advancing the well-being of refugees and vulnerable communities in Palestine, Lebanon, and Jordan through comprehensive humanitarian aid and sustainable development programs.

Anera mobilizes resources for immediate emergency relief and for sustainable, long-term health, education, and economic development. Anera staff serve in their communities, navigating the politics that constrict progress to get help where it’s needed most.

Target: 125 youth/students

Program Description

The Youth Entrepreneurial Pathways for Resilience program empowers vulnerable youth (aged 16-35) with vocational training, life skills, and career readiness support. Through comprehensive vocational training, mentorship, and internship opportunities, participants gain the skills needed for successful employment and entrepreneurship. The program includes a specialized focus on WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) education, enhancing community health and sustainability. Upon completion, participants receive accredited certifications and practical experience, connecting them with local businesses and employment opportunities.

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