INJAZ’s portfolio of programs addresses the wide range of needs of young Jordanians and complements the education and training provided by traditional educational institutions with programs that develop vital soft and hard skills (Life Skills, Financial Education, Entrepreneurship and Business Skills, Digital Skills, and Social Leadership) necessary to become competent entrepreneurs and/or employees in the private sector. To date, Injaz has benefited almost 4,000,000 youth since its establishment. Last year, INJAZ implemented programs in all 12 governorates of Jordan working alongside and within all schools from the 7th grade to the 12th grade, 46 universities and colleges, and a range of social institutions, including vocational training centers, centers for youth with disabilities, youth centres and community centres.
Target : 10000

Program Description
The program focuses on building the Entrepreneurship capacities of the refugee and Jordanian students between the ages of 14 – 16 years old at the public and UNRAWA schools in Jordan to develop their business skills and mindsets, to prepare them for higher education and the workforce. The program will be an online/offline learning simulation games that will be implemented in Jordan. The overall impact will reach 10,000 students and it aims to create awareness on the definition and importance of Entrepreneurship and its benefits to students’ career growth.