About the Emirates Red Crescent
The Emirates Red Crescent is a volunteer humanitarian organization that supports official authorities in times of peace and war. It was established on the 31st of January, 1983 and was internationally attested as a member of the international Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in 1986.

Program Description
The United Arab Emirates has become a temporary home to hundreds of families who have fled war, conflict, and disaster in their home countries. Over the course of three years, this program supported over 1000 Arab children and youth who fall under this category and whose families are unable to afford school fees. Through the ambitious efforts of the Emirates Red Crescent, at-risk students are identified thorough vulnerability assessments in order to provide a comprehensive understanding of their financial status. Students who are found to be in financial need have their enrolment and tuition fees supported to avoid the high risk of school drop-out. Supported students are in grades 9 – 12 and are distributed across all Emirates. In addition to providing refugee youth residing in the Mrajeeb Al Fhood refugee camp in Jordan, that is funded by the UAE, with scholarships to Luminus Technical University College.