Mohammad Khalid Al-Shrouf
Mohammad Khalid Al-Shrouf, a 23-year-old Jordanian engineer with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, has always been passionate about sustainable energy. Seeking to expand his knowledge in energy saving, he enrolled in the Energy Efficiency program at the German Energy Academy, supported by the Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair Refugee Education Fund.
Motivated by a vision to advance sustainable energy practices, Mohammad joined the program to gain the necessary competence to address pressing environmental issues through energy conservation. His dedication was evident, and he quickly became a standout student admired for his enthusiasm and leadership.

Mohammad’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of quality education and practical training. He described his experience at the Academy as unique, enriching, and highly constructive. The course expanded his knowledge and equipped him with crucial soft and technical skills, such as measurement, auditing, scientific persuasion, engineering intuition, and multi-level energy problem-solving. Also, the hands-on experience with testing and measurement devices gave him a comprehensive understanding of an energy engineer’s duties and skills.
These skills and experiences were pivotal in his professional development, enabling him to secure a position at one of Jordan’s leading companies specializing in energy auditing, management, and energy efficiency. Now, as a Research Assistant in Energy Efficiency Engineering at the German Jordanian University, thanks to the generous support of the Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair Refugee Education Fund, Mohammad attributes his achievements and significant career advancements to this support through the Academy. His success story highlights the Academy’s pivotal role in developing future leaders in energy efficiency.