About Beit Atfal Assumoud
The National Institution of Social Care and Vocational Training (NISCVT), also known as Beit Atfal Assumoud, is a non-governmental organization mainly working with the Palestinian community in Lebanon. The services offered by NISCVT address the needs of families through various gender-balanced projects empowering the potential and skills of children, youth and their parents or guardians. Their programs take place in ten centres, critically located inside the camps.
Target: 220
Reach: 196
Program Description
The program offers more than 190 Palestinian and Syrian refugee youth with market driven vocational courses that lead to employment. The centers are in the Palestinian refugee camps. The accredited courses offered are in market demand and provide youth with an improved livelihood opportunity. Courses include video editing, Solar Energy for lighting, installation and maintenance of solar water heaters, water filtration systems, aluminum works, computer and English language, barbering, mobile maintenance, and photography.